Definition of "corbie"
plural corbies
(Scotland) A raven or crow (typically Corvus corax).
From parrots we got to corbies, or ravens, and he told us with infinite humour a story of a certain tame bird of this description, whose constant delight was to do mischief, and to plague all mankind and beastkind.
1825, Basil Hall, journal entry quoted in 1837, Walter Scott, J. G. Lockhart (editor), Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., in The Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 7, page 417
In the "Twa Corbies" of Child it is the knight that is slain and one corbie is to sit on his "hause-bane" and the other is to pick out his eyes. In the West Virginia variants it is the horse that is slain, whose eyes the crows are going to pluck out.
1963, John Harrington Cox, editor, 6: The Three Ravens (Child, No. 26): Folk-Songs of the South, page 31
(Australia) Either of two moth species of genus Oncopera, whose larvae feed on grasses, especially Oncopera intricata.
The eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus), a species believed to be extinct on mainland Australia, is common in the run and front country, where it consumes corbie grubs and cockchafers, among slightly larger prey and carrion.
2007, J. B. Kirkpatrick, “Chapter 5: Sheep and nature on the run country”, in Jamie Kirkpatrick, Kerry Bridle, editors, People, Sheep and Nature Conservation: The Tasmanian Experience, page 158