Definition of "endorreic"
The calanoid species more frequent in the Pyrenees is Diaptomus cyaneus, species with a relict occurrence in Dalmatia, endorreic and litoral lagoons of the western Mediterranean countries and frequent in the Pyrenees and in the North African Atlas.
1981, Maria-Rosa Miracle, “Biogeographica del Zooplàncton dels Llacs dels Pirineus [Biogeography of the Zooplankton from the Lakes of the Pyrenees]”, in Biogeografia de la Mediterrània Occidental [Biogeography of the Western Mediterranean] (Treballs de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural [Works of the Catalan Institute of Natural History]; 9), Barcelona: Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, summary, page 147
The basin of Lake Zempoala is endorreic. Precipitation and running off from the watershed are the only source of water income whose budget is not balanced: annual precipitation and evaporation are 1200–1500 mm and 1600 mm, respectively [...].
2002, Judith García-Rodríguez, Rosaluz Tavera, “Phytoplankton Composition and Biomass in a Shallow Monomictic Tropical Lake”, in Javier Alcocer, S. S. S. [Sudarsana] Sarma, editors, Advances in Mexican Limnology: Basic and Applied Aspects (Hydrobiologia; 467), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, page 91, column 2